Ragdoll casper cat learning clicker training and how to shake a paw with pictures and cat video

How To Teach Your Cat Shake Paw – Clicker Training for Cats

In this training session I am going to show you how I am teaching Casper our Ragdoll kitten how to shake paws.
Ragdoll casper cat learning clicker training and how to shake a paw with pictures and cat video
Although shaking a paw has no real benefit, it is cute and fun for both the cat and the cat owner to do this exercise for practicing clicker training.
Every new cue your cat learns, will help to learn new future cues quicker so why not teach your cat a simple and fun thing like shake paw.

Casper our ragdoll cat kitten learning clicker training for cats cat video

How To Charge the Clicker – Clicker Training for Cats

In this article and video I will show you how to charge the clicker for clicker training for cats. Before you can do any clicker training on a cat you need to teach them what a clicker is. This process is called charging or conditioning the clicker. The clicker’s unique and abrupt sound paired with food will help your cat clearly distinguish the moment they did something right.

Casper ragdoll on cat picture sharp cat photos with smartphone iPhone

9 Ultimate Tips for Sharp Cat Photos with your Smartphone

With our modern smartphones, it has become quite easy to make clear and sharp cat pictures, but only if you do it the right way.
When I scroll through Instagram accounts and I look at all those cat photographs, I often see blurry images of cats and then I think by myself: it is really not that hard to do better.
If you want people to enjoy and like your cat photos, then your cat pictures really need to be clear and sharp. The clearer your photos are, the better we all can see those wonderful cat expressions.

Casper ragdoll is taking a bath - How to give your cat or kitten a bath rules tips and tricks

7 Easy Steps You need to know to give your Cat a Bath

Cats spend a lot of their waking hours on self grooming. This makes that giving your cat a bath is in normal circumstances not required. In case your cat becomes exceptionally sticky or smelly, a bath may become necessary. This happened to us only once when Casper was still a kitten. Here are the 7 steps I followed to give Casper his first bath.

3 Worst Mistakes You Must Avoid When taking Cat Pictures

These last couple of weeks I have been sharing some easy but very important techniques on my blog that will help you to improve your cat’s pictures dramatically. Now, I want to tell you about 3 things you must absolutely avoid at all time when making cat pictures, because they often lead to bad cat pictures.

Our ragdoll kitten casper just before he went to his new home with his new human parents iamCasper-introduce-cat-kitten-into-new-home-tips-how-to

How to Introduce a Kitten to its New Home

Rest assure, there is no fixed set of rules on how to introduce your ragdoll kitten into its new home. Every situation is different. Cats are known to adapt easily to a new environment. Just to make sure everything will go smoothly, there are quite some helpful tips that you can use. Tips and tricks told by other cat owners that will help you to prepare your home and to make your ragdoll kitten feel comfortable when he will arrive in its new home.
Let us start to take a look at how we can prepare our home for the arrival of our kitten.

Casper our ragdoll cat licking his paws Beautiful ?? love this picture ready to have a sharp picture of his licking tongue -iamcasper-simple-rule-cat-photography-Be-patient

2 Simple Rules to Improve your Cat Photography

In our series of articles on tips and tricks for better cat photography, we will discuss two very basic and simple rules that will help you create more attractive cat picture : be patient and be ready.
Both tips seem so obvious that people very often forget their importance and no longer apply them.
Lots of cat loving people, who love to take cat pictures, react to something they see, they quickly grab their camera and take a picture as fast as possible. This results very often in not so good cat photography.

5 Important Things To Consider to Write an Instagram Bio for Your Cat

One of the first things to do, when setting up your cat Instagram account, is setting up your profile and more in particular writing your Instagram Bio. Every new viewer that comes across your account is a potential new follower and will only spend one or two seconds to decide whether your account is interesting enough to follow. Most people quickly check your profile picture, read your Bio and then scan a couple of the latest posts before they decide to follow or not to follow you.

Casper our ragdoll kitten following us around the house. This way he tells us how much he loves us

15 Wonderful Ways how your Cat says I Love You

Casper, our ragdoll cat is just over a year old now and we have noticed that Casper has some very specific ways to show us his love to us humans. Here are the 15 most wonderful ways (in no particular order) how our cat Casper tells us “I love you”. You can easily recognise this too with your loving cat.